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Friday, November 26, 2010

Poverty in Africa

The above image shows the number of poeople in poverty in Africa. There are above 165 people in the majority of areas of the contitinent that are living in poverty and this just shows the severity of the issue in Africa, which is stereotypically the most impoverished continent in the world.

Poverty Levels in 2005

The graph above is illustrating the percentage of people in the world at various poverty levels in 2005. Judging by this image, poverty levels are at an extreme high and governments should be placing higher importance on controlling the poverty levels in whatever way they can.


Hello all and welcome to my blog!

My blog is designed to keep you all updated on the latest developments regarding poverty around the world. I will eventually be focusing on a specific poverous area, but until then I will be discussing general issues regardeless of the geographic location.

Thanks and enjoy (: